
Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Speier New Bench Coach for the A's 

From the Wire:

Chris Speier, former Giant and Expo mainstay, has been hired by Oakland to replace Terra Francona on the bench.

Taking a look at his career, he had 42 Stolen Bases but was caught 54 times. For a team that has seen it's fortunes fail because of boneheaded baserunning (Tejada, Byrnes, the other Giambi) maybe they should have looked somewhere else.

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Oh to be on the Relocation Committee 

It used to be the "Extortion Across America" Tour. But now the MLB Committee to Relocate the Expos has now broadened their horizons. This report details their junket to Monterrey Mexico.

The city that couldn't outbid Puerto Rico for the rights for a quarter of the Expos schedule can't seriously be considered for a permanent home for the team, can it?

In other news, the FDA finally banned Ephedra. Now that he doesn't have to show actual leadership, look for Selig to publicly call for the substance to be added to the Testing List. I give him 10 days.

Hot Stove Update 

From Wire Service Reports:

Jason Johnson to the Tigers: 2 years/$7 million

The announcement-slash-press release quotes Dave Dombrowski thusly: "Jason Johnson is a veteran starter we were looking to sign this winter. He is a pitcher that will give us a lot of quality innings."

Jason Johnson's career stats, mentioned just 2 paragraphs above: 36-58. 4.91 ERA

He may be a veteran, but quality innings may be in short supply. Dombrowsky was apparently overly impressed with his one start at Comerica (1-0, 0.00 ERA, 5 IP, 4 H, 2 K) Same old Tigers.

Amazing Contortion of the Day 

Phil Rogers writes an ESPN piece detailing how Pudge Rodriguez can't seem to find a willing taker and yet never once brings up the "c" word (Collusion for those of you in Rio Linda).

Back in the pre-2002 CBA days, teams would be falling all over themsevles for a Playoff hero at a premium position who's experienced, durable, and most of all GOOD. But today? "Sorry, no vacancies".

This is starting to fail the smell test...

Geriatric Dreams 

Jan Hubbard of the Dallas Morning News spends his latest column whining about new stadiums, and how they're not as good as they were back in the old days when kids used to have to walk to school 10 miles each way uphill in a snowstorm.

"... and while there is little doubt that the amenities are superior in the new castles, the character of places such as the Fleet Center, Staples Center, United Center and American Airlines Center does not come close to matching what they replaced. The old places had better sightlines, fans were closer to the court and the noise was louder and more genuine."

"Everything was better: The pocorn was crunchier. The uniforms were flashier. And everything back then had to be good because my eyesight is failing and my back hurts and this obviously can't be the nadir of living so I've got to blame it on something, right"?!?

I've been to stadiums both new and old and while there might be a certain nostalgia to the old places ("Look, that's where Kareem put on those funky goggles."), they were for the most part crapholes. New stadiums and arenas just need time to make their own memories.

"It was obvious that as sports facilities got older and player salaries increased, new streams of revenue had to be found."

Ahh, it's those greedy players again. They probably kick puppies and tease disabled kids too, those rotten scum!

"The purist wishes that something could have been done to keep Boston Garden, the Forum, Chicago Stadium and Reunion Arena..."

Now I know he's on crack. Anyone with a jones for Reunion needs to be carted off to a place where slippers are mandatory attire.

I can't wait for 2050. We'll start to see columns from Jan Hubbard Jr. talking about "the great tradition of American Airlines Arena that shouldn't be needlessly discarded..."

Lidle to Reds: Good. Dellucci to Rangers: Ugh! 

From today's USA Today, a rundown of the most recent transactions:

Corey Liddle to the Reds: 1 year/$2.75 million

A nice pickup for the Reds. Liddle will never be an ace but he makes an excellent #3-4. As long as he's not pitching all of his games against the Johnsons and Priors of the world, he'll do fine.

David Dellucci to the Rangers: 1 year/$750K

Once again testing the theory that "You never can have too many immobile outfielders", the Rangers have hired another one (on the heels of the Brian Jordan signing). I like Dellucci (both from his DBack days and his Baton Rouge pedigree), but he's a bad fit for this team that's already bursting at the seams with young hitting talent. Where will Lance Nix play? Or Kevin Mench? These are the type of contracts (not ARod) that leave Ranger fans shaking their heads.

Opening Day 

The opening salvo in an attempt to out-Pappas Pappas!

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